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Bridge of Weir Choral Society Christmas Concert Christmas Concert
15 December 2024at7:00 pm
£10Bridge of Weir Choral will be joined by Johnstone Band and Angel Voices Children’s Choir in a repertoire of popular carols and festive songs. We are particularly proud to be performing a lovely carol written in the 1950s
by the grandfather of one of our members, so listen out for that! Come and join us to kick off your Christmas festivities in style.
Tickets £10, available from any choir member in advance, or at the door on the night. Children free if accompanied by an adult. Join us for tea, coffee and mince pies afterwards (charitable donation in aid of Motor Neurone Disease) next door in the Kidston Hall.
For further information: maryfleishman@outlook.com
Rehearsals for Spring Concert resume 8th January at Kidston Hall, Kilmacolm. New members most welcome